The Gospel of Matthew: We will meet in several 8-10 week modules with breaks between them. All classes will be recorded and available for participants throughout the school year. Evening tutorials as needed and/or desired can be set up as well: one student or many!!!
Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom: CLICK HERE to JOIN
The Christian Initiation of Adults (Commonly known as CIA) is the normal way in which adults and children over the age of 7 become active, participating members of the Catholic Church. A very important part of preparation for this active participation is developing the desire and ability to reach out to others, inviting them to "come and see" (John 1:39) where the Lord is to be found, which is in the community of his disciples. For additional information please click HERE or contact Christoph Nauer, (925) 283-0272 ext. 203.
The Adult Confirmation program is meant for adults 19 years of age or older who have never been confirmed. However, potential candidates must have had some formal faith formation and made their First Communion. The program usually consists of 6 to 8 meetings and requires the studying of several pertinent Catholic Updates. For more information please contact Christoph Nauer at (925) 283-0272 ext. 203.